Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Kindness...what is it....

What is Kindness??? I have often wondered if my version of being kind and someone else's is any different....Sometimes the smallest things we do in life are the biggest pleasures for some....when I was a little girl, I use to think that going to the store for my grandmother was such a chore, but as became older, I looked forward to going....not because I had to, but because I knew that it made her happy....my grandmother spoke barely any English and I barely any Spanish, but some how we communicated....I believe it was through the kindness we showed one another...so if you step outside of yourself and your comfort zone you will see how just the smallest of gestures will make someone else's day and bring a smile to their face....I encourage everyone to do something out of the ordinary to someone you love or hardly know....the mere act of kindness will forever be embedded into your soul...Imagine how your thoughtfulness could bring happiness to someone who might otherwise be unhappy....so, be Kind and as always....BE SWEET....

Dori Lowry

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